Showing 17–21 of 21 results

$31.95 – $119.95
Track Tac Topaz will drop the hardness of the tire at room temperature between 5 to 25 points, depending on the number of coats applied or time rolled in Topaz. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next coat – about 10 to 20 minutes. Tuesday night before the race, repeat what was done on Monday night. Wrapping the tires is not recommended. For softer tires increase the number of coats to 3 to 6 with Topaz. The procedure can be repeated on Wednesday night for even softer tires. Topaz will last for a full night of racing and increase the life of the tire. Topaz works on natural or synthetic latex rubber.
As a Pre Race Wipe use:
- Track Tac PRW-Orange with DRT
- Track Tac PRW-Sapphire with DRT
- Track Tac Black Sand
- Track Tac Diamond
- Track Tac Topaz
(between heats, if possible)
Do Not Use Near An Open Flame – Danger!

$30.95 – $109.95
SAA Grape is a softener that works well in colder weather conditions. Grape will soften a tire up to 15 points while building grip in the tire. SAA Grape dries fast which is why it is a perfect softener for the cooler months.

$30.95 – $109.95
Our SST is out number one Product for asphalt. This product has a very lite odor and will soften the tire no more than 5 points. It can be used internally or externally and provides excellent grip as well as conditioning.

$31.95 – $109.95
Designed for use when on a Moist track. Can use weekly and trackside. Will soften a tire up to 10 points. The Venom Blue works very well as a weekly wipe when you are needing to bring tires down between 5-10 points. We recommend starting on Monday applying 2-3 coats allowing each coat to dry…

Venom Juice Inside Treatment is designed to give great side and surface bite. VJ Inside will soften the tire 1 point per 10cc used on a 9.00 tire. Inside is designed to gradually harden the tire over a course of 8-10 weeks and will need to be re rolled between week 10-12.